Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Featured Photographer: Cheryl Checkley. Australian Nature & Travel Photography

Cheryl Checkley is a Australian Nature & Travel Photographer based in Cann River Victoria, but regularly travels to many places throughout Australia in a campervan. Cheryl has a wide range of nature shots including beaches, rocks, flora & fauna, clouds, shells & sunrises/sets. Also a range of shots from the Solomon Islands,football,concerts,dogs & Derby Rodeo.

Cheryl lists her interests as organic gardening, mosaics, spinning wool, rock work, woodwork, camping with my dog, riding around on my pushbike, making jam on the old combustion stove, living in the country and eating my own fruit and vegies.

Cheryl has no formal training. Self taught with a good eye for a good picture and a love of nature and photography. Started 30yrs ago with a 35mm and a dark room,then I had children and although I kept snapping it certainly wasn't as often. After a lapse of several years in 2000 my passion for photography was reignited when I discovered the world of Digital Photography.I have since completed several I.T & Digital Photography courses.

Cheryl joined GlobalEye back in Sepbember 2010 and currently has 24  Australian Nature & Travel Photography stock images listed in the Global Eye catalog. You can view Cheryl's Portfolio here or browse her Australian Nature & Travel Photography website.

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