Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Featured Photographer: Rona Smyth. North American Wildlife Photography

Rona Smyth is a North American Wildlife Photographer based in Utopia Ontario, Canada. Rona photographs  wildlife, sporting events, children, kite boarding (snow and water). Speciality is North American wildlife. Images include digital manipulation as well. Publishing credits include... Ducks Unlimited, Kayak Touring, Northern Lights, Outdoor Photographer, Apogee Photo Magazine, The Postcard Factory and many photography and video awards.

Rona lists her interests as volleyball, baseball, kite boarding, raquetball, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, ice hockey, education, wildlife, environmental issues and most recently horses. "I have been working as a freelance videographer since 1984. My freelance photography started in 1998 it has been seen on the internet, various international magazines, postcards and advertisements. My video work has been broadcasted in Canada. Subjects include: sporting events, wildlife, documentaries, children, lifestyle, the environment and education." I have a television broadcasting diploma, a bachelor of education degree with teachables in Geography, History and Communication Technology."

Rona joined GlobalEye back in April 2003 and currently has 131  North American Wildlife Photography stock images listed in the Global Eye catalog. You can view Rona's Portfolio here or browse her North American Wildlife Photography website here.

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