Sunday, 14 October 2012

Munich Germany Stock Photographs

<p><img src="" alt="M3183P659520_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="">Chris Star</a> <a href=""></a> </p>

<p>Chris Star has recently returned from Munich, Germany and has just posted stock photographs of interest to photo-buyers targeting family-friendly, European holiday and travel destinations.</p>

<p>Examine the Lightbox and Gallery, featuring Munich's must-see medieval buildings, magnificent churches, popular parks and beer-gardens, and many more beautiful attractions.</p>

<p>Be sure to also search Chris's catalog to see a complete set of Munich images.</p>

<p>Chris Star's exciting and...</p>

Saturday, 13 October 2012

New Highlights of Munich, Germany Stock Photograph

<p>Highlights of Munich, Germany. A new set of stock photos by Chris Star Munich is one of the most popular vacation destinations in Germany, thanks in part to the annual Octoberfest. Other major attractions include medieval buildings and the immensely popular English Gardens.</p>

<p>The underground train system is exceptional, and can quickly whisk your family to any popular attraction in the city, beer-gardens included!</p>

<p>Munich is also a convenient base from which to make day-trips to nearby...</p>

John Herr Mill and Covered Bridge Stock Images

<p>John Herr Mill and Covered Bridge. A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter A land grant from William Penn, the state founder, to miller John Herr, was the start of this historic location in Lancaster County PA. Herr built the 180 foot long double arched covered bridge next to his Grist mill on the Pequea Creek. The mill was built in 1738, the bridge in 1844. Both are now on the National Register of Historic Places US. The mill and bridge are now part of the Mill Bridge Village Camp Resort. A...</p>

Friday, 12 October 2012

John Herr Mill and Covered Bridge

<p><img src="" alt="M3135P659835_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="">Ernie Hunter</a> <a href=""></a> </p>

<p>The John Herr Grist Mill and Covered Bridge started with a land grant from William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania. Herr built the grist mill in 1738 on the Pequea Creek in Lancaster county and in 1844 he built the 180 foot two span Burr Arch Trusses Bridge. This is the oldest covered structure in Lancaster County and one of the most photographed and publicized bridges in the world. It is in County, State and National Historic registries.
The bridge and mill, along with several other buildings...</p>

New Stock Images of Bridge to Bridge Ski Race on t

<p>Bridge to Bridge Ski Race on the Clarence River NSW. A new set of stock photos by Thomas Hearne Action in the Bridge to Bridge Ski Race on the Clarence River NSW showing the boats rounding the turn at Lawrence NSW demonstrating their immense power and throwing spray everywhere. The boats reach speeds in excess of 160klm per hour and are a spectacular sight on any section of the Clarence River between Grafton and Harwood NSW. View more stock photography from Thomas Hearne here.</p>

Monday, 8 October 2012

Catherine Hill Bay Boardrider's club comp Octo

<p>Catherine Hill Bay Boardrider's club comp October 2012. A new set of stock photos by Chris Prior Catherine Hill Bay Boardriders club held their monthly comp at the south end of The Bay on Sunday 7th October 2012 in gnarly two metre plus waves. The lifesavers closed the beach to the general public which meant us surfers got all the waves to ourselves. While there were a lot of closeouts, there were a few good ones here and there if you were in the right spot. The water was cool but the sun...</p>

Sunday, 7 October 2012

New Stock Images of Children of The Mekong Delta

<p>Children of The Mekong Delta. A new set of stock photos by Kevin Landry An introduction to some of the Beautiful Children of the Mekong Delta Vietnam.Some of the poorest areas in Vietnam but you would never know it from the Bright Smiles they have. all these photos are available for editorial use only, however should a release be required it may be able to be arranged.There is plenty of copy space available in the originals it was decided to crop tight for impact.Smiling faces,sad faces, happy...</p>

Stock Photo Images of St Helena Island. Moreton Ba

<p>St Helena Island. Moreton Bay.. A new set of stock photos by Ian Hallmond St Helena Island is located in Moreton Bay off Brisbane, Queenslands capital city. The colonial government turned the island into a penal settlement for convicts in 1866.
Construction under forced labour of convicts built the beachrock and brick gaol. The island located near the mouth of the Brisbane river was used for 60 years as a maxium security prison.
Historical site now part of National parks still has ruins of...</p>

Children of The Mekong Delta

<p><img src="" alt="M3280P659660_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="">Kevin Landry</a> <a href=""></a> </p>

<p>An introduction to some of the Beautiful Children of the Mekong Delta Vietnam.Some of the poorest areas in Vietnam but you would never know it from the Bright Smiles they have. all these photos are available for editorial use only, however should a release be required it may be able to be arranged.There is plenty of copy space available in the originals it was decided to crop tight for impact.Smiling faces,sad faces, happy and healthy, I was very fortunate to spend a few days with these lovely...</p>

Friday, 5 October 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Recent Uploads

<p>Recent Uploads. A new set of stock photos by Cyril Furlan These are my most recent uploads. You can see more of my . You can see more of my images at my home web site.</p>

Cyril View more stock photography from Cyril Furlan here.</p>

Auckland Heritage Festival (2)

<p><img src="" alt="M3063P658713_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="">David Guthrie</a> <a href=""></a> </p>

<p>Plans change. I did begin attending the Heritage Festival events and while I found them interesting and informative, they did not provide any significant opportunities to photograph, while the sheer scale of the event over two weeks meant everything else would have to be sacrificed. I have finally decided to can the Festival except for a few events. Pity.</p>

People at the beach in New South Wales

<p><img src="" alt="M3173P630812_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="">Janice Gillgren</a> <a href=""></a> </p>

<p> I've just put together a light box showing some of the many ways to relax at the beach. There are family photos, with Dad and son playing ball, and others of a small boy building a sandcastle with his grandfather.
At Byron Bay, I saw some musicians set up their instruments and start to play and sing in front of whoever gathered.
There are some teenagers relaxing on their bicycles not far from a beach, and some fishermen doing some surf casting at Lennox Heads, not far from the famous...</p>

Waitakere Moon Festival

<p><img src="" alt="M3063P659450_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="">David Guthrie</a> <a href=""></a> </p>

<p>On Saturday 29 September I attended the Waitakere Moon Festival in New Lynn, a celebration of the cultural diversity of Auckland City. I had also attended the previous evening at which the most impressive feature was the kapa haka group from Avondale College. On both the Friday evening and all through the 5 hours of free concert on the Saturday I photographed continually. It was superb entertainment and also wonderful visually for photography.</p>

Thursday, 4 October 2012

New Photo Stock Images of At an agricultural show

<p>At an agricultural show day. A new set of stock photos by Janice Gillgren Agricultural show days are a regular and important feature of New Zealand rural life, and not just for the farmers. These days are wonderful times for townsfolk too, who get a taste of life on the farm, and some great entertainment with it.
Agricultural show days, which may also be called farm days, field days, or rural days, are usually held in the summer season, in both small towns and cities.
This group of pictures...</p>

Stock Photos of People at the beach in New South W

<p>People at the beach in New South Wales. A new set of stock photos by Janice Gillgren These are images of people enjoying the beach in varied ways. There are fishermen, surfers, musicians, cyclists, teenagers, a father and son playing ball, and a boy building sandcastles with his grandfather.
There are many ways to enjoy the beach, and these are leisurely photos conveying this enjoyment. View more stock photography from Janice Gillgren here.</p>

Mixed New Zealand Rural Images

Mixed New Zealand Rural Images

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Stock Photo Images of Waitakere Moon Fetival 2012

<p>Waitakere Moon Fetival 2012. A new set of stock photos by David Guthrie The Waitakere Moon Festival is held annually in Auckland City, in New Lynn. The festival is a celebration of the many cultures that form the city. View more stock photography from David Guthrie here.</p>

Monday, 1 October 2012

New Albatross Photos

<p><img src="" alt="M1P659250_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="">Matt Brading</a> <a href=""></a> </p>

<p>I've just added a set of photos of the four species of albatross that breed on Macquarie Island. These are the Wandering Albatross, the Grey-Headed Albatross, the Black Browed Albatros and the Light-Mantled Sooty Albatross. The 'Sooties' are the most populous with over 1000 pairs visitng the island each year. </p>

<p>Macquarie Island is about half way between Australia and Antarctica, deep in the wild Southern Ocean.</p>

New Photo Stock Images of Macquarie Island Albatro

New Photo Stock Images of Macquarie Island Albatro

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Auckland Heritage Festival

<p><img src="" alt="M3063P658713_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="">David Guthrie</a> <a href=""></a> </p>

<p>Auckland City is holding a Heritage Festival over the two weeks from 30 September. Two years ago, one single supercity was formed out of all the local government areas not only of the urban area but of the whole rural region that supplies the city and has the city as its focus. so it is a vast area that is now Auckland City. This festival, with around 200 events from all parts of the supercity, is an exercise in creating a sense of common identity. I plan to attend and photograph as much of the...</p>

Monday, 24 September 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Mixed New Zealand Rural

<p>Mixed New Zealand Rural Images. A new set of stock photos by Janice Gillgren New Zealand is not a heavily populated country, and there is a lot of land devoted to farming, whether of cattle, sheep, goats or other animals.
This lightbox shows a selection of agricultural images from Northland, New Zealand.
These include ewes and their lambs, cows and calves, and alpaca; as well as haymaking – a necessary and very useful way of putting food aside in the summer to keep the animals over the...</p>

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Stock Photo Images of Daisy Flower Photography

Stock Photo Images of Daisy Flower Photography

Auckland sunset and dawn

<p><img src="" alt="M3063P658744_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="">David Guthrie</a> <a href=""></a> </p>

<p>On a clear night and morning recently I stayed overnight at an Auckland city apartment with fantastic panoramic views, and while I was there I went down to the waterfront in the sunset and evening. The resulting photographs were simply stunning because the light was very special. </p>

Friday, 21 September 2012

Stock Photos of Small Milkweed Bug (Lygaeus kalmii

<p>Small Milkweed Bug (Lygaeus kalmii). A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter These bugs are one of several to live on toxic milkweed.The Monarch Butterfly, Large Milkweed Bug and Milkweed Beetles all consume parts of the milkweed with no ill affects.They all share the same bright orange/red and black warning colours, telling predators to leave them alone. They don't taste good. Eggs are laid on milkweed in the spring. The nymphs look like the adults more as they develop through several...</p>

Small Milkweed Bug (Lygaeus kalmii)

<p><img src="" alt="M3135P658683_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="">Ernie Hunter</a> <a href=""></a> </p>

<p>These bugs are one of several to live on toxic milkweed. The Monarch Butterfly, Large Milkweed Bug and Milkweed Beetles also consume parts of the milkweed with no ill affects. However; the toxin remains in their bodies. They all share the same bright orange/red and black warning colours, telling predators to leave them alone. They don&apost taste good. If a bird eats one it will make them very ill and they will remember the colours and not eat one again. Some other insects, ie the Viceroy...</p>

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

New Stock Images of Moreton Bay coastal wetlands.

<p>Moreton Bay coastal wetlands.. A new set of stock photos by Ian Hallmond Coastal wetlands encompass mangrove forests and associated saltmarches and sedgelands.
Moreton Bay Marine Park covers an area over 13,000ha of mangroves with the most extensive communities occuring near the river mouths.
There are about 150 species of plants found in the habitats of wetlands including mangrove, intertidal mudflats, saltmarches, paperbark woodlands, open grasslands, casurina and eucalypt forest and...</p>

Monday, 17 September 2012

New Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) Stock Pho

<p>Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus). A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter The Monarch is one of the largest Canadian butterflies (wingspan: 93 to 105 mm). Bright orange with heavy black veins, it stands out, but for a reason. It's toxic. The caterpillars eat milkweed containing poisons, cardiac glycosides, which protect the plants from most herbivores. The caterpillars are not affected but store the poison in their bodies, passing it on to the butterfly. Birds eating a monarch...</p>

The Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus)

<p><img src="" alt="M3135P658503_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="">Ernie Hunter</a> <a href=""></a> </p>

<p>The Monarch is one of the largest Canadian butterflies (wingspan: 93 to 105 mm). Bright orange with heavy black veins, it stands out, but for a reason. It&aposs toxic. The caterpillars, which are banded white, yellow and black, eat milkweed containing poisons, cardiac glycosides, which protect the plants from most herbivores. The caterpillars are not affected but store the poison in their bodies, passing it on to the butterfly. Birds eating a monarch become violently ill and learn to leave...</p>

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Stock Photo Images of Hummingbird Clearwing (Hemar

<p>Hummingbird Clearwing (Hemaris thysbe) Sphinx Moth. A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter Something zooms over a flower and hovers but it doesn't quite look like a Hummingbird. It's probably a Hummingbird Clearwing Sphinx Moth. The size of a small hummer, they to can hover as they extend their proboscis, like a butterfly, to sip nectar. They are diurnal. Which means, although they are a moth they fly during the day. Their wings are transparent except for the reddish brown...</p>

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Hummingbird Clearwing Sphinx Moth

<p><img src="" alt="M3135P658184_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="">Ernie Hunter</a> <a href=""></a> </p>

<p>The Hummingbird Clearwing (Hemaris thysbe) Sphinx Moth looks like a Hummingbird until you look closely. It doesn&apost have a bill but instead a proboscis like a butterfly. It hovers near a flower, usually resting it&aposs front legs on the petals, and uncoils it&aposs proboscis to sip nectar. It&aposs wings are clear except for the reddish-brown borders. It is diurnal meaning it fly&aposs in the daylight as well and feeds on nectar from flowers. Caterpillars are lime green, resembling...</p>

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Raid on Gananoque - War of 1812 Re-enactment Stock

<p>Raid on Gananoque - War of 1812 Re-enactment. A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter On September 21st, 1812 Captain Forsyth of the 1st US Rifle regiment of North Carolina made an attack on the hamlet of Gananoque, Ontario. American forces seized the stores and burned the government depot including the King Street bridge. This was to disrupt the British supply line up the St. Lawrence river. This was the first of many raids Forsyth would lead into Canada against the British. A lot of the...</p>

Raid on Gananoque - War of 1812

<p><img src="" alt="M3135P657750_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="">Ernie Hunter</a> <a href=""></a> </p>

<p>These are just some of many photos I took in Gananoque during the "Raid on Gananoque" re-enactment, August 24th and 25th. There were over 300 re-enactors from both sides of the border as well as representation by the First Nations including the "Women Hand Drum Singers". There was a lot of noise and smoke as the two sides fought at the waterfront and on the King St. bridge. No, the Americans didn&apost burn it this time! </p>

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Eco tourism in Kaikoura

<p>Eco tourism in Kaikoura. A new set of stock photos by Vivian Hayles The beautiful town of Kaikoura on the east coast of the South Island of New Zealand is a veritable treasure trove for those interested in larger forms of sea life - whales, Southern Fur Seals and dolpins to name a few.
A deep sea trench near to shore brings an abundance of marine life for viewing by boat or helicopter or eating - Kaikoura translates as 'meal of crayfish'.
A turquoise sea, ice-capped mountains and...</p>

Monday, 3 September 2012

Featured Photographer: John Carr. Fine Art Photogr

<p>John Carr is a Fine Art Photography from South Australia based in Adelaide South Australia.
The majority of John's work is from the Great Outdoors. His travels include:- Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Jerusalem, Pakistan, India and Nepal. Close to home, large areas of South Australia including Kangaroo Island & the Flinders Ranges. Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra the Kimberley & Tanami regions. Other subjects include a wide range of Agriculture, covering different crops through...</p>

: Ernie Hunter Photographer Profile

: Ernie Hunter Photographer Profile

Sunday, 2 September 2012

New Stock Images of Portland Museums

<p>Portland Museums. A new set of stock photos by Susan Frost Oregon Museum of Science and Industry as well as exhibits at Oregon Historical Society.
View more stock photography from Susan Frost here.</p>

New Photo Stock Images of Children

New Photo Stock Images of Children

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Scenery and Sunsets

<p>Scenery and Sunsets. A new set of stock photos by Margaret Secomb. Scenery and sunsets from around South Australia. There is lots of variety from the coast to the outback, from lush and green to dry and dusty.
View more stock photography from Margaret Secomb here.</p>

James Doyle Photography Website Facelift

<p><img src="" alt="M2330P0_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="">James Doyle</a> <a href=""></a> </p>

<p>I have been working hard at improving my website. This project has been bigger than I imagined as I&aposm not a web designer or developer.</p>

<p>I hope you enjoy the new site and come back often as I will continue to develop the site as time permits.</p>


New Photo Stock Images of Flowers

New Photo Stock Images of Flowers

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Commercial Photos From Compact Digital Cameras?

I've had a few questions lately about filesizes and camera specs, and what's the minimum required for stock, so ...

Saturday, 18 August 2012

The #1 Secret For How To Market Photography?

If you want to sell photographs online it all starts with shooting commercial stock images that photo buyers de ...

Thursday, 16 August 2012

New Stock Images of Venice Italy Backyard Sunsets

Venice Italy Backyard Sunsets. A new set of stock photos by Peter Currie Probably not photographed in the same light as the people and the magical city of Venice, these images show the setting sun behind the backyard. View more stock photography from Peter Currie here.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Stock Photography Widgets ...

Photography Business Books Widgets ...

Books For Better Photography Widgets ...

New Kingston Sheep Dog Trials 2012 Stock Photography

Kingston Sheep Dog Trials 2012. A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter The Kingston Sheep Dog Trials and Canadian National Championships were held for the 25th year at Kingston's Grass Creek Park. 148 dogs were entered, coming from all over Canada and the US. Colin Gordon from South Wales the Gower Peninsula and Patrick Shannahan from Idaho were Trial Judges this year. The fifteen top place dogs competed for the Double Lifts on Sunday. Amanda Milliken and Roz, from Kingston, and Joni Swanke and Sage from Bowman ND are shown here. 650 local sheep also participated. View more stock photography from Ernie Hunter here.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Brighton Beach Huts Stock Images

Brighton Beach Huts. A new set of stock photos by Sam Clark A trip to the Brighton Beach Huts in Melbourne for a new approach to the traditional Beach Hut shots. I have gone in close to concentrate on the mix of bold colors, creating something unique using color and composition. View more stock photography from Sam Clark here.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Stock Photos of Cattle on the prairie

Cattle on the prairie. A new set of stock photos by Scott Bean Photographs of cattle grazing on the prairies of Kansas in the Midwest/Great Plains region of the United States. Most of the photographs were made in the Flint Hills region specifically. View more stock photography from Scott Bean here.

Gems, Crystals and Minerals

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Stock Photo Images of 1812 Battle at Sacket&#39;s Harbor New York

1812 Battle at Sacket's Harbor New York. A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter Sacket's Harbor, the naval yard for the Americans on the Great Lakes, had to be captured and or destroyed. British forces attacked Sacket's when most of their military was away fighting at Fort George. American militia held their ground and the British went back home, across the lake, to Kingston. Re-enactors portray this event in great detail. Cannon fire from a tall ship brings return fire from the militia. Authentic costumes, encampment and weapons make this a fun weekend for all to enjoy. View more stock photography from Ernie Hunter here.

1812 Battle at Sacket's Harbor New Y

Friday, 10 August 2012

Kingston Sheep Dog Trials

New Photo Stock Images of HMAS Sydney Memorial Geraldton Western Australia

HMAS Sydney Memorial Geraldton Western Australia. A new set of stock photos by Rodney Garnett A memorial to HMAS Sydney II sunk off the Western Australian coast in November 1941 by the German HSK Kormoran sits on the top of Mount Scott within the city of Geraldton. The Memorial is the work of world-renowned sculptors Joan Walsh Smith and Charles Smith. Central to the memorial is a dome of 645 seagulls each representing a life lost. The dome is complemented by a memorial wall, pool and sculptures of the ship bow and a grieving woman, View more stock photography from Rodney Garnett here.

New Photo Stock Images of HMAS Sydney Memorial Ger

HMAS Sydney Memorial Geraldton Western Australia. A new set of stock ph ...

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Photographer-Friendly Web Hosting

Photographer-Friendly Web Hosting

Visual Web SEO Services

Visual Web SEO Services

Instant Photo Websites

Instant Photo Websites

Photo Web Traffic Exchange

Photo Web Traffic Exchange

Free Link Shortening Service

Free Link Shortening Service

Photoshop For Photographers

Photoshop For Photographers

WordPress For Photographers

Wholesale Domain Registrations

Kindle Publisher Pro

Kindle Publisher Pro

Wholesale Domain Registrations

Mobile Photography Sites

Mobile Photography Sites

Photo Research Info & Services

Local Photographer Search

Local Photographer Search

Feature Articles & Photo Essays

Photo Research Info & Services

Monday, 6 August 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Whananaki Estuary

Whananaki Estuary. A new set of stock photos by Janice Gillgren The Wha ...

Stock Photo Images of Toadstools

Toadstools. A new set of stock photos by Janice Gillgren This is a lig ...

Stock Photos of Horticulture in New Zealand

Horticulture in New Zealand. A new set of stock photos by Janice Gillgr ...

Stock Photo Images of Toadstools

Toadstools. A new set of stock photos by Janice Gillgren This is a lightbox primarily of the amanita muscaria toadstool, seen commonly in pine forests in New Zealand. They have been introduced together with other exotic species. Others in this lightbox are unidentified Toadstools and mushroom are fungi. Some are edible, such as the common white button mushroom. However, some are very dangerously poisonous. The amanita toadstool should not be eaten. It is fortunately easy to identify because of its distinctive spots and strong colour, usually red. View more stock photography from Janice Gillgren here.

New Photo Stock Images of Whananaki Estuary

Whananaki Estuary. A new set of stock photos by Janice Gillgren The Whananaki estuary is on the east coast of Northland, near Whangarei. It is a large winding estuary, with beach-houses (baches) on either side. The North side also has a petrol station, shop, primary school and a few community buildings. A 395metre footbridge connects the North and South sides. Otherwise, there is a windy gravel road that can be used for vehicles to drive from one side to the other. This lightbox shows a variety of images of the estuary. View more stock photography from Janice Gillgren here.

Subject Versus Content In Stock Photography

One question I get over and over from photographers is 'what subjects sell best'. Mostly it's photographers thi ...

Subject Versus Content In Stock Photography

One question I get over and over from photographers is 'what subjects sell best'. Mostly it's photographers thi ...

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Historical Stone Bridge in Lyndhurst Ontario Stock Images

Historical Stone Bridge in Lyndhurst Ontario. A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter A fine example of masonry arch construction, this three-span bridge was built of local field stone and adorned with sandstone wall caps and arch surrounds. Designed by John Roddick, an employee of a local mill owner, it was built in 1856-57 and except for restoration work in 1986 which included strengthening with reinforced concrete, it remains in it's original exterior appearance. It is considered, by the Ontario Heritage Foundation, to be the oldest bridge in existence in Ontario in use today. View more stock photography from Ernie Hunter here.

New Stock Images of Fort Edmonton Park, Alberta

Fort Edmonton Park, Alberta. A new set of stock photos by Chris Star Fort Edmonton Park in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada represents four distinct time periods, exploring Edmonton's development from a fur trade post in the vast Northwest, to a booming metropolitan centre after the First World War.

Old and young will love the free steam engine train rides from the park entrance to the Fort as well as free streetcar rides down 1905 and 1920 streets.

When the kids have had enough history, take them to the 1920's Midway. View more stock photography from Chris Star here.

Monday, 30 July 2012

New Stock Images of The Old Stone Mill Delta Ontario

The Old Stone Mill Delta Ontario. A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter This beautiful sandstone grist mill was built in1810. It is the only surviving pre-1812 stone grist mill in Canada. It was added to the National Historic Sites of Canada and recognized by The Ontario Heritage Act. It uses 200 year old millstones and a 210 year old "Bolter" to screen the grindings to "fines", "middlings" and "bran". They use local organically grown Red Fife wheat, a strain first grown in Otonabee, Ontario in 1842. Canada Post issued a special stamp on the 200th anniversary 2010. View more stock photography from Ernie Hunter here.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

New Photo Stock Images of High Atlas Mountains in Morocco

High Atlas Mountains in Morocco. A new set of stock photos by Heather Farish The High Atlas Mountains are home to the Berbers, the traditional inhabitants, with a lifestyle that still has many features from centuries ago:- earthen houses, groves of walnuts, irrigation channels that are fed from melting snow, using mules to transport goods and tracks that meander around the mountainsides. Not only is it an opportunity to experience a fascinating history but also to see how the 21st century is impacting both on it and the natural environment on which it is built. View more stock photography from Heather Farish here.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Italian Wedding - Montepulciano - Tuscany - Italy Stock Images

Italian Wedding - Montepulciano - Tuscany - Italy. A new set of stock photos by Norm Ford Why would an Australian couple want to marry in a quaint Tuscan Village on New Years Eve? Why not? I thought they were crazy to travel all that way. But what a brilliant idea! What a backdrop to a wedding. Lovely old church built in 1645, nothing like that in Australia. A wedding no one will ever forget even if it is winter! Plus we will get to see Rome, the Vatican, Florence, Pisa, Siena, San Gimignano and other great cities and places as well. A photographers dream. But only for a week. View more stock photography from Norm Ford here.

New Seascapes and Landscapes of Tasmania Stock Photography

Seascapes and Landscapes of Tasmania. A new set of stock photos by Steve Southwell 7 days around Tasmania. This is a collection of some landscape and seascape images from a recent trip to Tasmania. Some of the places visited are Stanley, Cradle Mountain, Bay of Fires, West Point, The Nut, and much of the Tasmanian east coast. There was some great walking and hiking to be found in the Cradle Mountain area, with spectacular scenery to be found around the entire island. View more stock photography from Steve Southwell here.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

It&#39;s about roses Stock Images

It's about roses. A new set of stock photos by Christina Jablonski Many species of roses are native to Asia but they grow in many temperate climate regions. The southern part of South Australia has such favourable conditions; roses grow in private gardens, in parks and on the nature strip. The Botanic Gardens of Adelaide and the Ruston's Rose Garden in Renmark have great collections of these beautiful plants. Among them are classes of the hybrid tea rose, floribunda and grandiflora in a range of colours and fragrances. View more stock photography from Christina Jablonski here.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Stock Photo Images of Old & Broken Farm Buildings & machinery

Old & Broken Farm Buildings & machinery. A new set of stock photos by Norm Ford Gallery contains a mixture of some B&W, Sepia Tone, High Contrast B&W (Tone Drop Out) but mostly colour images taken in Australia. Most are within Queensland and some Northern NSW country areas and one from the Northern Territory. I have a panache for old timber & stone dwellings, farm buildings, that have been discarded so they are now generally in all states of disrepair and un-useable, basically un-liveable. Buildings are falling over, flattened by storms, cyclones and floods, Timber boards missing and sheets of corrugated roofing iron missing or just rusty. Window glass broken or missing View more stock photography from Norm Ford here.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Nafplio on the Argolic Gulf in Greece

Nafplio on the Argolic Gulf in Greece. A new set of stock photos by Peter Currie A light box of images from the beautiful seaport Nafplio, Greece. The perfect place to unwind and relax. Even though there are plenty of shops and restaurants it is so friendly and lay back. Great food and cold beer. View more stock photography from Peter Currie here.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Stock Photos of Flight of the Royal George, War of 1812 Bicentennial

Flight of the Royal George, War of 1812 Bicentennial . A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter The War of 1812, between the Americans and the British, who held Canada, was two years long. The Flight of the Royal George was from Bath to Kingston, Ontario and the Royal Naval Shipyard, now RMC. This is the Signature Event of a two year long series of re-enactments both in Canada and the United States. Re-enactors in authentic period costumes, gunboats and Tall Ships from both countries will bring history alive. This is a sample of what's to come. Want more info go to View more stock photography from Ernie Hunter here.

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Stock Photo Images of Overland Track Tasmania

Overland Track Tasmania. A new set of stock photos by Rebecca Mason This lightbox documents my journey along the Overland Track in Tasmania. The walk takes you through the Cradle Mountain and Lake St Clair National Parks and involved 6 days of hiking through some of Tasmania's most remote wilderness areas. The landscape was every changing, from alpine areas to rainforest and over the period of the hike and we encounted wind, rain, sleet, snow, hail and a little sunshine. View more stock photography from Rebecca Mason here.

Friday, 29 June 2012

Stock Photos of Natures gifts to us

Natures gifts to us. A new set of stock photos by Kevin Landry Various Stock Photos of brightly colored flowers. Vietnam celebrates the Tet holidays each year with displays of wonderful bright flowers. Some of the creativity of works are unbelievably stunning massive sculptures of thousands of flowers can be viewed throughout this time of year. View more stock photography from Kevin Landry here.

Monday, 25 June 2012

New The South Australian holiday Stock Photography

The South Australian holiday. A new set of stock photos by Christina Jablonski The images in this lightbox were taken during my recent trip to South Australia. The southern region of the State has wonderful scenery, rose gardens, historic towns and an incredible number of vineyards. Kangaroo Island is one of its great nature attractions with the Remarkable Rocks and seal colonies. View more stock photography from Christina Jablonski here.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada Stock Images

Waterton Lakes National Park, Canada. A new set of stock photos by Chris Star Waterton Lakes National Park is part of the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park, formed in 1932, and designated as a World Heritage Site in 1995. It is located in Alberta, Canada.

Waterton Lake is the deepest lake in the Canadian Rockies, overlooked by the famous Prince of Wales Hotel, a National Historic Site.

Known as the park where the mountains meet the prairies, Waterton Lakes National Park is home to many of Alberta's wildflowers and abundant wildlife. View more stock photography from Chris Star here.

New Stock Images of African Birds

African Birds. A new set of stock photos by Claudio Bacinello This lightbox contains images of African birds from a recent trip photographing in Kenya and Tanzania. Included are birds from the Masai Mara, Amboseli, Tarangire, Ngorongoro and Serengeti reserves and parks. View more stock photography from Claudio Bacinello here.

Monday, 4 June 2012

New Thorny Black Thimbleberry Stock Photography

Thorny Black Thimbleberry. A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter A beautiful berry, large, glistening black and slightly tart sweet. You need a Kevlar suite to get near the vines as they have sharp thorns that, seem to grab you as you pass, and rip out pieces. There is; however, a thorn less variety. They are just as nice and you can pick them in shorts. The berries make great jam, are good to eat as is and make an outstanding wine. They are however very seedy. View more stock photography from Ernie Hunter here.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Abandoned Buildings - Part of Our Vanishing Heritage

Abandoned Buildings - Part of Our Vanishing Heritage. A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter Houses,factories and barns, all eventually outlive their usefulness;but, should some of them be kept alive. Renovated, restored? The architecture and building methods used in most of these old structures will never be seen again. We restore historical buildings because Lincoln slept there or a battle was fought there. What about old factories,farm houses and especially barns. More on barns later. Workmanship used to build 18th and 19th century houses and commercial buildings will not be repeated View more stock photography from Ernie Hunter here.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Magic of fruit and vegetables Stock Images

Magic of fruit and vegetables. A new set of stock photos by Christina Jablonski Fruit and vegetables are some of the most enjoyable objects to photograph. The bright pyramids of apples and tomatoes on the market stalls, sweet figs, cocoa pods clinging to a tree trunk and a cluster of grapes in the vineyard, they all fascinate with their colours, smells, flavours and their varied shapes. View more stock photography from Christina Jablonski here.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Red Climbing Roses

Red Climbing Roses. A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter Roses are probably the most loved and appreciated flower. This Climbing Red Rose goes overboard each year, producing immense clusters of gorgeous red blossoms. It continues to bloom throughout most of the summer, and while it is also covered with very sharp thorns, it is glorious to look at. View more stock photography from Ernie Hunter here.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Close up horse images

Close up horse images . A new set of stock photos by Cate Keen These images are a collection of intimate shots of distinct grey and brown and white horses. These images were taken during the early morning of a autumn day on the Mid North Coast of New South Wales on local farmland. View more stock photography from Cate Keen here.

Monday, 21 May 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Images of children

Images of children. A new set of stock photos by Lars-Olof Nilsson It is often said that children are the future – but they are just as much the present and in the present. My images of children show them in their own world, just being themselves or mimicking adults. Child photography is both challenging and rewarding. I hope my photos of children will give you a fascinating view into their world. View more stock photography from Lars-Olof Nilsson here.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

New Colorado Flowers Stock Photography

Colorado Flowers. A new set of stock photos by Laura Esau A collection of flower varieties that grow in the fresh air of the Colorado Rocky Mountains under the blue skies and warm summer sun. Some grow in the wild as well as in many of our gardens. They have a feeling of freshness, especially after rainfall, with the drops of water clinging to their petals. View more stock photography from Laura Esau here.

Stock Photo Images of Seascapes from South Western Australia

Seascapes from South Western Australia. A new set of stock photos by Trevor Lundstrom The coastline of the south western corner of Australia is buffeted by weather and waves coming in from vast expances of open water in the Indian and Southern oceans. The coastline is made up of rugged rocky shores and peacful white sandy beaches. The weather systems arriving from Antartica bring spectacular cloud formations and wild seas providing viewers with awsome displays of natures power and beauty. Here are a few images from the region that show the beauty and contrasts to be found. View more stock photography from Trevor Lundstrom here.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Stock Photo Images of Images from the Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Images from the Outer Hebrides, Scotland. A new set of stock photos by Chris Star The Outer Hebrides, also known as the Western Isles, are an island chain off the west coast of Scotland. These images were taken on North and South Uist and Benbecula.

The islands seem to be split down the middle: boggy moors and craggy hills rule the east, while the west is softened by a sandy coastline and green pasture.

The islands are easy to reach by the Caledonian Macbrayne ferry year round from either the Isle of Skye or Oban on mainland Scotland. View more stock photography from Chris Star here.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Stock Photo Images of Vineyards of South Australia

Vineyards of South Australia. A new set of stock photos by Christina Jablonski The South Australia's wine producing regions of the Riverland, Barossa and Clare Valleys are some of the most attractive tourist destinations. A traveller can explore their numerous wineries and vineyards, learn about the varieties of grapes, their harvest and process of making wine. In the small towns with the churches and old houses one can find a range of places to enjoy a light lunch or dinner with a glass of some famous local wine. View more stock photography from Christina Jablonski here.

Stock Photos of Fort Frederick at RMC - Part of Kingston Fortifications

Fort Frederick at RMC - Part of Kingston Fortifications. A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter Fort Frederick on the grounds of the Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario, formerly the Kingston Royal Naval Dockyard.Originally an earthworks fort, it took part in repulsing an American naval attack November 12,1812.The stone Martello tower was built in 1846 during the Oregon boundary crisis between the United States and Britain.The Martello Tower is now the RMC museum and the grounds is a relaxed area for cadets. All ranks are equal and headress may be removed. UNESCO World Heritage Site View more stock photography from Ernie Hunter here.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Brisbane Dragonflies and Damselfly Stock Images

Brisbane Dragonflies and Damselfly. A new set of stock photos by Noel Buttler Photographed in March and April 2012 in Brisbane Australia,a collection of dragonflies and damselfly located over a pond in the city Botanical gardens View more stock photography from Noel Buttler here.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Stock Photos of New Holland Honeyeater - (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae)

New Holland Honeyeater - (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae). A new set of stock photos by Kim House The New Holland Honeyeater (Phylidonyris novaehollandiae) found in Southern Australia. Approximately 18 centimetres in length, mostly black with a white iris, white facial tufts and yellow on wing and tail feathers. It is very active, the female is slightly smaller than the male. Loves Australian native plants like the Banksia and Grevillea. It's name gives you the impression that it was one of the first birds found by explorers in the 1700s. View more stock photography from Kim House here.

Stock Photo Images of Images uniquely Australian

Images uniquely Australian . A new set of stock photos by Cate Keen This collection of images is an example of many things unique to Australia. The images include Sydney, Jenolan caves, the Australian dollar, Crowdy head lighthouse, seagulls, our beautiful beaches, Australian flag, cricket ovals, waterfalls and all those images that make us proud to be an Australian. View more stock photography from Cate Keen here.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Happy Natural People Portraits

Happy Natural People Portraits. A new set of stock photos by Peter Currie This light box depicts happy young people in a natural setting. Possible use in advertising, magazines and brochures. All image originals are shot in RAW format and come with signed model releases. View more stock photography from Peter Currie here.

Stock Photo Images of White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)

White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus). A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter The White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is one of North Americas most hunted game animals. Does come into heat or "Rut" around November and give birth in May or June, usually to twins. Bucks grow antlers through the summer and shed them in winter. Deer are herbivores, eating leaves, nuts, twigs, grass and some fungi. They have four stomach compartments, like cows, allowing them to chew cud and digest their food easier. They are reddish brown in summer turning to grey in winter. View more stock photography from Ernie Hunter here.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Stock Photo Images of General Images for All occasions Greeting Cards

General Images for All occasions Greeting Cards. A new set of stock photos by Peter Currie Hello to Art Directors and Photo Buyers of Greeting Cards and cards, brochures in general. This is one of five lightboxes I am publishing with images that may be suitable for your use. I have added captions to some of the work which I am sure can be vastly improved upon. Please invest ten minutes and have a look. No cost involved. Should you find something of interest please contact me regarding your technical and other requirements. Prompt replies assured. View more stock photography from Peter Currie here.

Images for All occasions Greeting Cards Stock Images

Images for All occasions Greeting Cards. A new set of stock photos by Peter Currie Hello to Art Directors and Photo Buyers of Greeting Cards and cards, brochures in general. This is one of five lightboxes I am publishing with images that may be suitable for your use. I have added captions to some of the work which I am sure can be vastly improved upon. Please invest ten minutes and have a look. No cost involved. Should you find something of interest please contact me regarding your technical and other requirements. Prompt replies assured. View more stock photography from Peter Currie here.

New Fauna Images for All occasions Greeting Cards Stock Photography

Fauna Images for All occasions Greeting Cards. A new set of stock photos by Peter Currie Hello to Art Directors and Photo Buyers of Greeting Cards and cards, brochures in general. This is one of five lightboxes I am publishing with images that may be suitable for your use. I have added captions to some of the work which I am sure can be vastly improved upon. Please invest ten minutes and have a look. No cost involved. Should you find something of interest please contact me regarding your technical and other requirements. Prompt replies assured. View more stock photography from Peter Currie here.

Stock Photos of Flora Images for All Occasions Greeting Cards

Flora Images for All Occasions Greeting Cards. A new set of stock photos by Peter Currie Hello to Art Directors and Photo Buyers of Greeting Cards and cards, brochures in general. This is one of five lightboxes I am publishing with images that may be suitable for your use. I have added captions to some of the work which I am sure can be vastly improved upon. Please invest ten minutes and have a look. No cost involved. Should you find something of interest please contact me regarding your technical and other requirements. Prompt replies assured. View more stock photography from Peter Currie here.

New Photo Stock Images of White Christmas Greeting Card Ideas

White Christmas Greeting Card Ideas. A new set of stock photos by Peter Currie Hello to Art Directors and Photo Buyers of Greeting Cards and cards, brochures in general. This is one of five lightboxes I am publishing with images that may be suitable for your use. I have added captions to some of the work which I am sure can be vastly improved upon. Please invest ten minutes and have a look. No cost involved. Should you find something of interest please contact me regarding your technical and other requirements. Prompt replies assured. View more stock photography from Peter Currie here.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Australian Flora

Australian Flora . A new set of stock photos by Cate Keen A collection of beautiful, colourful and enchanting flowers, covering all parts of New South Wales. These flowers in particular were witnessed along the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, Australia. These images include the red rose, calistemon, begonia, bottlebrush, mandevila, purple lavender, grevillea and orange lily. View more stock photography from Cate Keen here.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

New Photo Stock Images of 1812 Gunboat Re-enactment - Bath, On

1812 Gunboat Re-enactment - Bath, On. A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter Some photos of the 2010 Re-enactment in Bath Ontario. This was a primer for the main event to be held on the July 1st. 2012 weekend. This will be part of the War of 1812 Celebrations on both sides of the border. From the Chesapeake Bay in the state of Maryland North to the St. Lawrence River, from Cornwall on the East to Bath on the West. Sacket's Harbour, New York was the U.S Naval shipyards and Kingston, Ontario was the British shipyards. For more info visit View more stock photography from Ernie Hunter here.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Stock Photo Images of Highlights of Budapest

Highlights of Budapest. A new set of stock photos by Chris Star Budapest is one of Europe's most interesting cities, and continues to be featured in TV travel shows that fail to mention the most family-friendly attractions.

The Children's Railway runs narrow gauge steam trains and diesel trains, but is remarkable because it is operated by children aged 10-14, under adult supervision.

Everyone visits the Castle Hill district, but you will have a more enjoyable castle experience if you also visit Vajdahunyad Castle near Hero's Square. View more stock photography from Chris Star here.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Lone trees

Lone trees. A new set of stock photos by Julia Ott This lightbox contains trees that have been found standing alone in the Queensland and NSW countryside. Whether dead or alive that stand proud contributing much to the surrounding environment and wildlife. Some of the trees give a sense of peace while other a sense of isolation and wilderness. View more stock photography from Julia Ott here.

Sunday, 1 April 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Glencoe Scotland

Glencoe Scotland. A new set of stock photos by Michaela Perryman Images of Glencoe Village and Landscapte. Glencoe is an area of outstanding beauty in the highlands of Scotland View more stock photography from Michaela Perryman here.

New Men at work Stock Photography

Men at work. A new set of stock photos by Tony Miller This series of photographs shows tradesmen and equipment at work in the construction industry including environmental installations such as solar panels and wind farms. All photographs containing recognisable people have model releases. View more stock photography from Tony Miller here.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Brisbane Irish Festival Australia

Brisbane Irish Festival Australia. A new set of stock photos by Noel Buttler All these images were taken during the 2012 Brisbane Irish Festival in Australia.Most images are of male and female Irish muscians performing outdoors in the Queen St Mall Brisbane.I have highlighted the traditional Irish green colours and have used sepia colours on some photographs.Instruments include guitar,banjo,flute,mandolin,bagpipes and violin. View more stock photography from Noel Buttler here.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Australian pelicans at Manning Point, NSW

Australian pelicans at Manning Point, NSW. A new set of stock photos by Cate Keen I recently made a trip to the area of Manning point, on the mid north coast of new south wales. The day started out to be quite overcast and drizzly, but by the time mid afternoon came around the sun was pushing its way through. I was able to capture the local pelicans, not only relaxing and cruising in the waters, but also playing and what seemed like fighting. Please have a look at some photos of this unique australian beauty. View more stock photography from Cate Keen here.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Glen Innes: Historic buildings.

Glen Innes: Historic buildings.. A new set of stock photos by Ian Hallmond Located in the NSW region of the New England Tablelands is the charming town of Glen Innes. The pioneers and settlers of this area have left a legacy in the heritage of buildings that can be found along its main street. View more stock photography from Ian Hallmond here.

New Photo Stock Images of Maiala national park rainforest

Maiala national park rainforest. A new set of stock photos by Ian Hallmond The subtropical rainforest at Maiala was the first piece of national park declared on the D'Aguilar Range. The park is situated near the small village community of Mount Glorious and is easily acessed from Brisbane. The lush rainforest thrives at the high altitude were it recieves an abundance of rainfall. View more stock photography from Ian Hallmond here.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

New Stock Images of Highlights of Wernigerode, Germany

Highlights of Wernigerode, Germany. A new set of stock photos by Chris Star Wernigerode is a medieval town, located at the base of the Harz Mountains, in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany. Dating back to 1121, this quaint little town has hundreds of half-timbered buildings, a castle, and parts of the original town fortifications. The Rathaus (Town Hall) is one of the most distinctive in Germany.

Also home to the Harz Narrow Gauge Railroads, Wernigerode is a fun, clean and safe place for all members of your family. Your only problem will be getting your family to go back home! View more stock photography from Chris Star here.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Stock Photos of Birds of Naples Beach

Birds of Naples Beach. A new set of stock photos by Greg Jaeger A collection of wading and shorebirds of Naples Beach in south west Florida. Shots come from the shoreline as well as the Naples Pier. Also included are beautiful, scenic, sunset pictures over the Gulf of Mexico. The Brown Pelican and Snowy Egret are also featured along with sandwich and royal Terns. A member of the raptor family also showed up in the form of an Osprey. View more stock photography from Greg Jaeger here.

New Stock Images of Eyre Peninsula

Eyre Peninsula. A new set of stock photos by John Watson These infrared images were taken on the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia. They say something about the harshness of the semi arid environment in a time of drought. The Eyre Peninsula is a major agricultural region and the main crop is wheat. I have recorded some of the impact of the farming community showing grain silos, abandoned car wrecks, drought stricken paddocks, hay bales, some of the feral species such as cacti and foxes, as well as some of the natural features such as The Haystacks. View more stock photography from John Watson here.

Stock Photo Images of Bighorn Sheep

Bighorn Sheep. A new set of stock photos by Chris Star The bighorn sheep Ovis canadensis are named for the large, curved horns borne by the rams (males). Ewes (females) also have horns, which are shorter with less curvature

Bighorn sheep are abundant throughout Jasper National Park in Alberta, and are most commonly seen along Highway 16 between Hinton and Jasper, at Medicine Lake, and at Miette Hot Springs.

Animal jams are common as the sheep will look for salt on the roads in winter and often lick bugs off your vehicle in summer. View more stock photography from Chris Star here.

New Photo Stock Images of Early childhood

Early childhood. A new set of stock photos by John Watson These images were all shot on Kodachrome 35mm transparency, so will scan and reproduce beautifully. These are low res copies made with a DSLR. All of these images tell something of the story of early childhood as a phase of learning, exploration and discovery. These images talk about family life, brothers and sisters, play, home life and domestic life for children, toddlers, infants and babies. View more stock photography from John Watson here.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Reflections of Gerberas

Reflections of Gerberas. A new set of stock photos by Sonya Harris Orange and yellow gerberas photographed against reflective gold and silver backgrounds to create some interesting artistic and abstract effects View more stock photography from Sonya Harris here.

Stock Photo Images of Pink Anthurium Lillies

Pink Anthurium Lillies. A new set of stock photos by Sonya Harris A collection from a recent shoot of stunning pink anthurium lilies -photographed with varying coloured backgrounds. View more stock photography from Sonya Harris here.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Stock Photos of Family Day in Alberta

Family Day in Alberta. A new set of stock photos by Chris Star Family Day is a statutory holiday in Alberta, Canada. Held on the third Monday of February each year, local communities across Alberta organize outdoor winter-related activities for families.

Lacombe Lake Park, in St. Albert, Alberta, is an all-season park. In winter the lake freezes and is a popular place for families to skate. Every Family Day, many outdoor activities are held: skating, ice hockey, snow shoeing, and the very popular horse-drawn sleigh rides. View more stock photography from Chris Star here.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Warrumbungles National Park.

Warrumbungles National Park.. A new set of stock photos by Ian Hallmond The Warrumbungles National Park is located out on the western plains of N.S.W. This area was formly shaped by volcanic activity. Erosion has cut away at the landscape leaving gelogical formations of forested ridges, barren pinnacles, spires, and large monolithic rock formations with steep sided cliffs. The surrounding countryside is covered in woodlands. The diversity of landforms and habitats produces a remarkable display of wildflowers. Bird watching, photography and bush walking. View more stock photography from Ian Hallmond here.

Monday, 20 February 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Canadian shots

Canadian shots. A new set of stock photos by Arturo López Castel During four years I´ve been living in Toronto. From there I visited some interesting places across this amazing country. Here I present a little picture of it. View more stock photography from Arturo López Castel here.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

New Stock Images of Wildlife from around the world

Wildlife from around the world. A new set of stock photos by Sandie Bouton Variety of wildlife shots - asian elephants, tree top monkeys, birds off the Northern Territory, orang-utan, pelicans and even a rodent from Brazil, the Brazilian Agouti. View more stock photography from Sandie Bouton here.

New Photo Stock Images of Don and Shonas Wedding

Don and Shonas Wedding. A new set of stock photos by Kelly Humphries Don and Shona, or should Isay, Mr and Mrs Hill! Married on the 17th day of December, 2011. A great time was had by all and you both looked amazing in your photos. Thankyou so much for the opportunity to take them! Here are a few of my favourtes! View more stock photography from Kelly Humphries here.

Stock Photo Images of Bison on Canadian Prairies

Bison on Canadian Prairies. A new set of stock photos by Chris Star The plains bison, Bison are one of two sub-species found in North America.

Parks Canada is working hard to protect plains bison. These magnificent creatures are at home on the range in several National Parks across Western Canada, including Elk Island National Park and Waterton Lakes National Park, both of which are in Alberta.

Today, plains bison are listed as threatened by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). View more stock photography from Chris Star here.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Stock Photo Images of Highlights of Dresden

Highlights of Dresden. A new set of stock photos by Chris Star Dresden holds more attractions than most other cities in Germany. The restored Old Town is a popular tourist destination, featuring the Frauenkirche Church in the New Market Square. The Zwinger Palace is always popular, and everybody seems to pose in front of the bronze statue of Saxon King John, outside the Opera House.

Ride a steam paddlewheeler to nearby Pillnitz Castle, or take the Lößnitzgrundbahn steam train to Moritzburg Castle, and enjoy the countryside scenery of Saxony. View more stock photography from Chris Star here.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Port Melbourne to St Kilda

Port Melbourne to St Kilda. A new set of stock photos by Belinda Kohek A short fifteen minute trip from central Melbourne brings you to Port Philip Bay, and the foreshore of Port Melbourne to St Kilda. Along the foreshore you can experience Melbourne's rapidly changing seasons, from the vivid blue skies and calm waters of the bay, to the stormy winter days and crashing waves. Orange sunsets and black and white storm clouds are captured in this series of images that represent the iconic beaches of Melbourne's Port Phillip Bay. View more stock photography from Belinda Kohek here.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

New Photo Stock Images of RRS Discovery

RRS Discovery. A new set of stock photos by Michaela Perryman The RRS Discovery was the last traditional wooden three-masted ship to be built in Britain. Her first mission was the British National Antarctic Expedition, carrying Robert Falcon Scott and Ernest Shackleton on their first, successful journey to the Antarctic, known as the Discovery Expedition. She is now the centrepiece of visitor attraction in her home, Dundee in Scotland. View more stock photography from Michaela Perryman here.

New Photo Stock Images of Carloway Broche - Scotland

Carloway Broche - Scotland. A new set of stock photos by Michaela Perryman Dun Carloway is on the Isle of Lewis off the west coast of Scotland. Built around the 1st Century BC, the ruin commands outstanding views out across the crofting land. Last occupied around 1300 BC. The outer wall in one place still stands at 9 metres in height and is 14-15 metres in diameter at the base. It was a dry stone build, that is without mortar. View more stock photography from Michaela Perryman here.

New Photo Stock Images of Hundatora Medieval Village - Devon England

Hundatora Medieval Village - Devon England. A new set of stock photos by Michaela Perryman Hundatora, a deserted medieval village, which was excavated between 1961 and 1975. It has four Dartmoor longhouses, many with a central drainage channel, and several smaller houses and barns. The three grain storage barns appear to have been adapted to include corn dryers, indicative of the deteriorating climate which led to the abandonment of the settlement by 1350. Outlines of medieval fields can still be seen, especially from vantage points on top of the tor. The fields are bounded by "corn ditches" - granite walls fronting a ditch, with earth piled up behind the wall. View more stock photography from Michaela Perryman here.

Monday, 30 January 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Visit Bath UK

Visit Bath UK. A new set of stock photos by Warren Gleadhill Just a few hours drive from London is Bath. Known for its Historic Roman Baths, Ruins and the Bath Abbey, but Bath has so much more to offer the traveler and tourist alike. The Avon River, which winds its way through the impressive city architecture has plenty to offer as it continues its way to the weir at Bathampton Mill. Tourists, Nature Lovers and Bird Watchers can soak up all the history of this beautiful area in Somerset in the UK View more stock photography from Warren Gleadhill here.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

New Stock Images of Around the Kathmandu Valley rim

Around the Kathmandu Valley rim. A new set of stock photos by Heather Farish Most visitors to Nepal begin and end their journey in Kathmandu, however few make it to the many scenic places around the Kathmandu Valley rim. These places include Balthali, Namobuddha, Dhulikhel, Nargakot and Shivapuri National Park. Besides national parks, there are monasteries, mountains, villages and the opportunity to see everyday life in rural Nepal. View more stock photography from Heather Farish here.

New Stock Images of Grain Elevators - Prairie Sentinels

Grain Elevators - Prairie Sentinels. A new set of stock photos by Chris Star Grain elevators are symbols of the Prairies, providing striking vertical landmarks against the often unrelieved flatness of the land.

In the early part of the 1900's Grain elevators were built in many towns along the Alberta railroad. The grain elevator spelled prosperity to smaller Canadian communities.

Several towns including Nanton and St. Albert have restored their elevators and have them open to the public in the summer. View more stock photography from Chris Star here.

New Photo Stock Images of Patan Durbar Square in Nepal

Patan Durbar Square in Nepal. A new set of stock photos by Heather Farish Patan or locally called Lalitpur, one of the old-cities of the Kathmandu Valley, is a UNESCO world heritage listed site. In the narrow alleys are traditional Newari houses interspersed in Hindu shrines that are still used today. The focus is Patan Durbar square, a conglomeration of temples of both Hindu and Buddhist origins. Traditional life continues in and around this traditional architecture. View more stock photography from Heather Farish here.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Fruit and Vegetables

Fruit and Vegetables. A new set of stock photos by Belinda Kohek Walking through the local fruit and vegetable market in central Melbourne you can find a wide variety of fresh produce, from the common granny smith apples and lemons to the exotic purple, orange and green cauliflowers. The stalls are amassed with colour and sweet smells, and intricate displays draw your eye to the best quality fruit and vegetables. View more stock photography from Belinda Kohek here.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Stock Photo Images of Cruising the Rhine River

Cruising the Rhine River. A new set of stock photos by Chris Star Cruising the middle-Rhine River is an excellent way to discover the castles and medieval towns of this part of Germany. Visit the old Roman ruins in Boppard, then board a steam-powered paddle-wheeler going towards Rudesheim. The boat stops at most towns along the way, including St. Goar and Bacharach. Go ashore and explore wherever you like, then catch the next boat to continue your journey.

The middle-Rhine became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2002, to help preserve the local history. View more stock photography from Chris Star here.

Monday, 23 January 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Canyonlands National Park, Utah

Canyonlands National Park, Utah. A new set of stock photos by Clint Farlinger Canyonlands National Park is located in southeastern Utah near the town of Moab and preserves a colorful landscape of countless canyons, mesas and buttes eroded into the Colorado Plateau by the Colorado River, the Green River, and their respective tributaries. View more stock photography from Clint Farlinger here.

New Photo Stock Images of Brisbane Lifestyle and Landscape Photography

Brisbane Lifestyle and Landscape Photography. A new set of stock photos by Noel Buttler photos of brisbane river transport and leisure ferries and boats,sunshine,weather,outdoor activities,parks and gardens,brisbane flora,river,tourist attractions View more stock photography from Noel Buttler here.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Main Game: Monster Trucks

Main Game: Monster Trucks. A new set of stock photos by Russell Johnson For some maybe a complete waste of time - for others- a test of man and machine plus entertaining. Love them or otherwise Monster Trucks have been around for awhile now and don't look like leaving anytime soon. Enjoy my series of images of a Monster Truck at work - or should that be, at play. Some images use creative post production applications. View more stock photography from Russell Johnson here.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Cape Schanck Landscape

Cape Schanck Landscape. A new set of stock photos by Belinda Kohek Capturing Cape Schanck on Victoria's Mornington Peninsula, this region offers some of the state's most dramatic and vivid landscapes, from the rocky and arid red headlands to the pebble beaches and golden sands of Bass Strait. At both the peak of a summers day, and morning sunrise the atmosphere of the region can be felt through these dramatic colour and monochrome images. View more stock photography from Belinda Kohek here.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Stock Photo Images of Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado

Great Sand Dunes National Park, Colorado. A new set of stock photos by Clint Farlinger Hiking 750 feet up to the peak of Star Dune, North America's tallest sand dune, is an arduous task, but the view from the top is incomparable. Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado protects the 19,000 acre dune field that sits on the floor of the San Luis Valley. Prevailing westerly winds push the sand toward the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, but occasionally blows with great force through passes to the northeast, piling the sand upon itself to create the tall, sharp dunes. View more stock photography from Clint Farlinger here.

New Photo Stock Images of Overview of Napoli and Pompeii

Overview of Napoli and Pompeii . A new set of stock photos by Peter Currie Images in this light box are from the ancient city of Pompeii, steeped in history petrified by the eruption of Vesuvius, and Naples. Naples Museum houses a priceless collection of art including statues and fresco walls recovered from Pompeii. A vibrant area of Italy which should be on every traveler's agenda. Even if you get sick of history you will never get sick of the food! View more stock photography from Peter Currie here.

New Photo Stock Images of Overview of Napoli and Pompeii

Overview of Napoli and Pompeii . A new set of stock photos by Peter Currie Images in this light box are from the ancient city of Pompeii, steeped in history petrified by the eruption of Vesuvius, and Naples. Naples Museum houses a priceless collection of art including statues and fresco walls recovered from Pompeii. A vibrant area of Italy which should be on every traveler's agenda. Even if you get sick of history you will never get sick of the food! View more stock photography from Peter Currie here.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Stock Photo Images of Piers and Boardwalks

Piers and Boardwalks. A new set of stock photos by Belinda Kohek This lightbox displays photographs of piers and boardwalks at iconic locations around Victoria, featuring Cape Schanck, Port Melbourne, Sorrento and St Kilda. The images provide a unique view of Victorian piers and boardwalks, at sunset, sunrise as well as at the peak of a summer's day. This lightbox includes both vibrant colour images and traditional black and white photography to provide a unique view of Victoria. View more stock photography from Belinda Kohek here.

New Photo Stock Images of Angus Steers

Angus Steers. A new set of stock photos by Kim House Throughout the world, Angus are known for their ability to consistently produce the finest high quality beef. Angus cattle are currently being bought for a premium in both domestic and export markets. Angus is the preferred meat in Japanese markets due to their growth and marbling ability. View more stock photography from Kim House here.

Stock Photo Images of Florida State Parks Myakka River State Park

Florida State Parks Myakka River State Park. A new set of stock photos by Dan Heschmeyer Myakka River State Park Sarasota County Florida, nature at it's best. Photos include; canopy walk, coastal life, hiking, beautiful tropical scenery, travel photos stock, photography travel, coastal life, nature, tropical, hiking trails, palm trees, vacation destination, wildlife, birds and bird watching, and the always present alligators. View more stock photography from Dan Heschmeyer here.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Stock Photo Images of Florida sunsets from Venice Beach

Florida sunsets from Venice Beach. A new set of stock photos by Dan Heschmeyer Sunset scenes from living on Florida's Gulf Coast; Venice Beach, silhouettes in the setting sun,beaches, stock travel photos of tropical plants, orchids, palm trees, sunsets, water sports, boating, fishing and retirement, vacation and holiday View more stock photography from Dan Heschmeyer here.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

New Stock Images of Black Hills of South Dakota Photos

Black Hills of South Dakota Photos. A new set of stock photos by Clint Farlinger The Black Hills of South Dakota, rising as an island of trees in a sea of grasses, is home to Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Wind Cave National Park, Black Hills National Forest, Custer State Park, Harney Peak (the highest peak east of the Rockies). This lightbox contains a sample of Clint Farlinger's photographs of this unique area. View more stock photography from Clint Farlinger here.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

New Photo Stock Images of Baby Noisy Miner Bird

Baby Noisy Miner Bird. A new set of stock photos by Tracie Pippenger Walking through Southbank in Brisbane one day I was fortunate enough to come across a couple of baby Noisy Miner birds fresh out of the nest. They couldn't even fly yet and one had gotten separated from his family. I was worried he would get trampled in such a busy location, so I gave him a helping hand and returned him to his mother. He rewarded me by posing for the camera. View more stock photography from Tracie Pippenger here.

New Photo Stock Images of Markets of many people

Markets of many people. A new set of stock photos by Christina Jablonski In the mornings the markets open around the world. They offer fresh fruit and vegetables, cheeses, fish, meat and flowers. Some also sell a range of clothes and household items, handicraft and artisans work. Whether they are small and temporary like those on the streets of Baracoa or the permanent ones in Xochimilco, Dolac or Oaxaca, they are all meeting the needs of their own people and each is an expression of their culture. View more stock photography from Christina Jablonski here.