<p><img src="http://globaleyeimages.com/photos/3063/SP/M3063P658713_thumbnail.jpg" alt="M3063P658713_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/David.Guthrie">David Guthrie</a> <a href="http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/David.Guthrie">http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/David.Guthrie</a> </p>
<p>Auckland City is holding a Heritage Festival over the two weeks from 30 September. Two years ago, one single supercity was formed out of all the local government areas not only of the urban area but of the whole rural region that supplies the city and has the city as its focus. so it is a vast area that is now Auckland City. This festival, with around 200 events from all parts of the supercity, is an exercise in creating a sense of common identity. I plan to attend and photograph as much of the...</p>
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Monday, 24 September 2012
New Photo Stock Images of Mixed New Zealand Rural
<p>Mixed New Zealand Rural Images. A new set of stock photos by Janice Gillgren New Zealand is not a heavily populated country, and there is a lot of land devoted to farming, whether of cattle, sheep, goats or other animals.
This lightbox shows a selection of agricultural images from Northland, New Zealand.
These include ewes and their lambs, cows and calves, and alpaca; as well as haymaking – a necessary and very useful way of putting food aside in the summer to keep the animals over the...</p>
This lightbox shows a selection of agricultural images from Northland, New Zealand.
These include ewes and their lambs, cows and calves, and alpaca; as well as haymaking – a necessary and very useful way of putting food aside in the summer to keep the animals over the...</p>
Saturday, 22 September 2012
Auckland sunset and dawn
<p><img src="http://globaleyeimages.com/photos/3063/SP/M3063P658744_thumbnail.jpg" alt="M3063P658744_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/David.Guthrie">David Guthrie</a> <a href="http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/David.Guthrie">http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/David.Guthrie</a> </p>
<p>On a clear night and morning recently I stayed overnight at an Auckland city apartment with fantastic panoramic views, and while I was there I went down to the waterfront in the sunset and evening. The resulting photographs were simply stunning because the light was very special. </p>
<p>On a clear night and morning recently I stayed overnight at an Auckland city apartment with fantastic panoramic views, and while I was there I went down to the waterfront in the sunset and evening. The resulting photographs were simply stunning because the light was very special. </p>
Friday, 21 September 2012
Stock Photos of Small Milkweed Bug (Lygaeus kalmii
<p>Small Milkweed Bug (Lygaeus kalmii). A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter These bugs are one of several to live on toxic milkweed.The Monarch Butterfly, Large Milkweed Bug and Milkweed Beetles all consume parts of the milkweed with no ill affects.They all share the same bright orange/red and black warning colours, telling predators to leave them alone. They don't taste good. Eggs are laid on milkweed in the spring. The nymphs look like the adults more as they develop through several...</p>
Small Milkweed Bug (Lygaeus kalmii)
<p><img src="http://globaleyeimages.com/photos/3135/SP/M3135P658683_thumbnail.jpg" alt="M3135P658683_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/EHunter">Ernie Hunter</a> <a href="http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/EHunter">http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/EHunter</a> </p>
<p>These bugs are one of several to live on toxic milkweed. The Monarch Butterfly, Large Milkweed Bug and Milkweed Beetles also consume parts of the milkweed with no ill affects. However; the toxin remains in their bodies. They all share the same bright orange/red and black warning colours, telling predators to leave them alone. They don&apost taste good. If a bird eats one it will make them very ill and they will remember the colours and not eat one again. Some other insects, ie the Viceroy...</p>
<p>These bugs are one of several to live on toxic milkweed. The Monarch Butterfly, Large Milkweed Bug and Milkweed Beetles also consume parts of the milkweed with no ill affects. However; the toxin remains in their bodies. They all share the same bright orange/red and black warning colours, telling predators to leave them alone. They don&apost taste good. If a bird eats one it will make them very ill and they will remember the colours and not eat one again. Some other insects, ie the Viceroy...</p>
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
New Stock Images of Moreton Bay coastal wetlands.
<p>Moreton Bay coastal wetlands.. A new set of stock photos by Ian Hallmond Coastal wetlands encompass mangrove forests and associated saltmarches and sedgelands.
Moreton Bay Marine Park covers an area over 13,000ha of mangroves with the most extensive communities occuring near the river mouths.
There are about 150 species of plants found in the habitats of wetlands including mangrove, intertidal mudflats, saltmarches, paperbark woodlands, open grasslands, casurina and eucalypt forest and...</p>
Moreton Bay Marine Park covers an area over 13,000ha of mangroves with the most extensive communities occuring near the river mouths.
There are about 150 species of plants found in the habitats of wetlands including mangrove, intertidal mudflats, saltmarches, paperbark woodlands, open grasslands, casurina and eucalypt forest and...</p>
Monday, 17 September 2012
New Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) Stock Pho
<p>Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus). A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter The Monarch is one of the largest Canadian butterflies (wingspan: 93 to 105 mm). Bright orange with heavy black veins, it stands out, but for a reason. It's toxic. The caterpillars eat milkweed containing poisons, cardiac glycosides, which protect the plants from most herbivores. The caterpillars are not affected but store the poison in their bodies, passing it on to the butterfly. Birds eating a monarch...</p>
The Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
<p><img src="http://globaleyeimages.com/photos/3135/SP/M3135P658503_thumbnail.jpg" alt="M3135P658503_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/EHunter">Ernie Hunter</a> <a href="http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/EHunter">http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/EHunter</a> </p>
<p>The Monarch is one of the largest Canadian butterflies (wingspan: 93 to 105 mm). Bright orange with heavy black veins, it stands out, but for a reason. It&aposs toxic. The caterpillars, which are banded white, yellow and black, eat milkweed containing poisons, cardiac glycosides, which protect the plants from most herbivores. The caterpillars are not affected but store the poison in their bodies, passing it on to the butterfly. Birds eating a monarch become violently ill and learn to leave...</p>
<p>The Monarch is one of the largest Canadian butterflies (wingspan: 93 to 105 mm). Bright orange with heavy black veins, it stands out, but for a reason. It&aposs toxic. The caterpillars, which are banded white, yellow and black, eat milkweed containing poisons, cardiac glycosides, which protect the plants from most herbivores. The caterpillars are not affected but store the poison in their bodies, passing it on to the butterfly. Birds eating a monarch become violently ill and learn to leave...</p>
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Stock Photo Images of Hummingbird Clearwing (Hemar
<p>Hummingbird Clearwing (Hemaris thysbe) Sphinx Moth. A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter Something zooms over a flower and hovers but it doesn't quite look like a Hummingbird. It's probably a Hummingbird Clearwing Sphinx Moth. The size of a small hummer, they to can hover as they extend their proboscis, like a butterfly, to sip nectar. They are diurnal. Which means, although they are a moth they fly during the day. Their wings are transparent except for the reddish brown...</p>
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Hummingbird Clearwing Sphinx Moth
<p><img src="http://globaleyeimages.com/photos/3135/SP/M3135P658184_thumbnail.jpg" alt="M3135P658184_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/EHunter">Ernie Hunter</a> <a href="http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/EHunter">http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/EHunter</a> </p>
<p>The Hummingbird Clearwing (Hemaris thysbe) Sphinx Moth looks like a Hummingbird until you look closely. It doesn&apost have a bill but instead a proboscis like a butterfly. It hovers near a flower, usually resting it&aposs front legs on the petals, and uncoils it&aposs proboscis to sip nectar. It&aposs wings are clear except for the reddish-brown borders. It is diurnal meaning it fly&aposs in the daylight as well and feeds on nectar from flowers. Caterpillars are lime green, resembling...</p>
<p>The Hummingbird Clearwing (Hemaris thysbe) Sphinx Moth looks like a Hummingbird until you look closely. It doesn&apost have a bill but instead a proboscis like a butterfly. It hovers near a flower, usually resting it&aposs front legs on the petals, and uncoils it&aposs proboscis to sip nectar. It&aposs wings are clear except for the reddish-brown borders. It is diurnal meaning it fly&aposs in the daylight as well and feeds on nectar from flowers. Caterpillars are lime green, resembling...</p>
Sunday, 9 September 2012
Raid on Gananoque - War of 1812 Re-enactment Stock
<p>Raid on Gananoque - War of 1812 Re-enactment. A new set of stock photos by Ernie Hunter On September 21st, 1812 Captain Forsyth of the 1st US Rifle regiment of North Carolina made an attack on the hamlet of Gananoque, Ontario. American forces seized the stores and burned the government depot including the King Street bridge. This was to disrupt the British supply line up the St. Lawrence river. This was the first of many raids Forsyth would lead into Canada against the British. A lot of the...</p>
Raid on Gananoque - War of 1812
<p><img src="http://globaleyeimages.com/photos/3135/SP/M3135P657750_thumbnail.jpg" alt="M3135P657750_thumbnail.jpg" />A New Post From <a href="http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/EHunter">Ernie Hunter</a> <a href="http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/EHunter">http://GlobalEyeImages.com/portfolio/EHunter</a> </p>
<p>These are just some of many photos I took in Gananoque during the "Raid on Gananoque" re-enactment, August 24th and 25th. There were over 300 re-enactors from both sides of the border as well as representation by the First Nations including the "Women Hand Drum Singers". There was a lot of noise and smoke as the two sides fought at the waterfront and on the King St. bridge. No, the Americans didn&apost burn it this time! </p>
<p>These are just some of many photos I took in Gananoque during the "Raid on Gananoque" re-enactment, August 24th and 25th. There were over 300 re-enactors from both sides of the border as well as representation by the First Nations including the "Women Hand Drum Singers". There was a lot of noise and smoke as the two sides fought at the waterfront and on the King St. bridge. No, the Americans didn&apost burn it this time! </p>
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Friday, 7 September 2012
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
New Photo Stock Images of Eco tourism in Kaikoura
<p>Eco tourism in Kaikoura. A new set of stock photos by Vivian Hayles The beautiful town of Kaikoura on the east coast of the South Island of New Zealand is a veritable treasure trove for those interested in larger forms of sea life - whales, Southern Fur Seals and dolpins to name a few.
A deep sea trench near to shore brings an abundance of marine life for viewing by boat or helicopter or eating - Kaikoura translates as 'meal of crayfish'.
A turquoise sea, ice-capped mountains and...</p>
A deep sea trench near to shore brings an abundance of marine life for viewing by boat or helicopter or eating - Kaikoura translates as 'meal of crayfish'.
A turquoise sea, ice-capped mountains and...</p>
Monday, 3 September 2012
Featured Photographer: John Carr. Fine Art Photogr
<p>John Carr is a Fine Art Photography from South Australia based in Adelaide South Australia.
The majority of John's work is from the Great Outdoors. His travels include:- Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Jerusalem, Pakistan, India and Nepal. Close to home, large areas of South Australia including Kangaroo Island & the Flinders Ranges. Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra the Kimberley & Tanami regions. Other subjects include a wide range of Agriculture, covering different crops through...</p>
The majority of John's work is from the Great Outdoors. His travels include:- Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Jerusalem, Pakistan, India and Nepal. Close to home, large areas of South Australia including Kangaroo Island & the Flinders Ranges. Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra the Kimberley & Tanami regions. Other subjects include a wide range of Agriculture, covering different crops through...</p>
Sunday, 2 September 2012
New Stock Images of Portland Museums
<p>Portland Museums. A new set of stock photos by Susan Frost Oregon Museum of Science and Industry as well as exhibits at Oregon Historical Society.
View more stock photography from Susan Frost here.</p>
View more stock photography from Susan Frost here.</p>
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